K12 Recruitment & Retention Support For Schools

Helping districts implement strategies to recruit, retain, and promote highly-effective educators.

Does your district have an intentional, effective, Recruitment & Retention Program in place?

Attract diverse and powerful educators, and keep them in your schools.

With an accelerating teacher shortage and increased opportunities for educators to leave the field, systematic recruitment and retention processes have never been more critical to ensuring all schools and classrooms are filled with a diverse group of highly effective educators who are committed to the longevity of their students' success.

The time is now.

Research is clear. The single largest school-based determinant of student achievement is the effectiveness of the teacher. But finding the right teaching candidates can be a real challenge. Small districts in particular face unique challenges when it comes to teacher recruitment, including district personnel feeling stretched with all their other responsibilities and facing difficulties in competing for candidates in larger metropolitan areas.

And by itself, successful teacher recruitment doesn’t equal teacher retention. Once qualified educators onboard, it’s paramount to equip them with the tools and incentives required to keep their morale and effectiveness at the highest level, so that they continue the classroom work they love and you retain them in your district schools.

Insight Education Group's Recruitment & Retention Strategies

Recruitment & Retention can be so much more than a response to a need in your district. It can be proactive. It can be the difference between “making it work” and “making an impact.” Insight helps districts examine their greatest recruitment and retention needs and customizes support to the strengths and priorities of each individual district so your district stands out.


Build year-round, multi-stakeholder, multi-channel recruitment systems to attract the best candidates.

Create strong systems of support and development to encourage retention and avoid a never ending revolving door of teachers.

Increase racial diversity by implementing intentional strategies for the recruitment, support, and retention of teachers of color.


Our team’s experience working with districts like yours, has helped shape our main areas of focus:

  • Systems
  • Recruitment Process
  • Diversity
  • Retention and Promotion 
  • Pipeline

After careful evaluation of your district’s unique needs, our team will create a detailed plan outlining the systemic and on-the-ground support and implementation of strategies for the main areas that your school would like to focus on. Strategies can include but are not limited to workshops, teacher recruitment quality district reviews, campaign building, year-round recruitment & retention working groups and comprehensive resources to supplement your recruitment and retention initiatives.

Partner With Insight Education Group

Since 2000, we have supported schools, districts, charter management organizations and states through some of their largest challenges, including:

  • successfully turning around chronically under-performing schools,
  • fostering school cultures around mentoring, coaching, collaboration, and
  • shared knowledge and skills,
  • developing guidance for programmatic development and sustainability of initiatives,
  • supporting teachers and educational leaders with innovative tools to continue professional learning,
  • training aspiring and current educational leaders to be strategic and establish priorities for positive change, and
  • helping to change the culture of teacher growth to one of trust.

We have developed award-winning systems and solutions that are used in schools and Districts in the United States and abroad, but it is our commitment to a client-driven implementation process that sets us apart from others and gets the right results.

Learn More About Recruitment & Retention Services


Join our Recruitment and Retention Collaborative

Each month Pete and Crystal host a live, online discussion where guest panelists and education leaders nationwide can connect to share and solve for common Recruitment and Retention challenges. Click the button below to learn more about how you can join and participate, all at no cost to you!

Related Services

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