The College- and Career-Ready Standards (CCRS) chart a bold and compelling vision for moving beyond the rhetoric of college and career readiness to making certain students actually are ready.
The CCRS suggests shifts in teaching practices that will help students master them.
At the same time, schools and districts across the country are trying to figure out how to better align their instructional frameworks with the Standards. The Insight Core Framework (ICF) does just that.
The ICF was developed exclusively by Insight to meet the emerging needs of districts and schools transitioning to College- and Career-Ready Standards.
One of the only frameworks to specifically align to the CCRS, the ICF has been used in districts and schools across the country. It also has been adapted and approved by the State of New Jersey to serve as a district-wide instructional framework.
Framework Context: Effective Teaching for the CCRS
College- and Career-Ready Standards Framework and Rubric
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