Cameras in the Classroom: What One District is Doing It Right

We had a great time at the Georgia Association of Educational Leaders summer conference last week!

Along with many great speakers and engaging break-out sessions, we had the chance to share some exciting things that are happening in Newton County schools.

In 2011 the district teamed up with Audio Enhancement to put state-of-the-art cameras in classrooms with the initial goal of reducing discipline problems. But as Superintendent Samantha Fuhrey explained, they quickly started to think much bigger about how video could impact nearly every aspect of teaching and learning.

Video now plays a central role in the district’s approach to professional development, observations, collaboration, and instructional coaching with Insight.

And it’s working.

Newton County’s administrators and teachers have not only seen a dramatic drop in discipline referrals, student achievement is on the rise.

The potential for video to spark both teacher and student growth has been confirmed by research, and Newton County Schools have clearly gotten it right by looking for new opportunities to use cameras in the classroom.

Hear what school leaders and teachers have to say about video and how they use it everyday.


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