Quiz Shows

The Jeopardy! Teen Tournament is in full swing. I'm surprised how often the guilty pleasure of watching Jeopardy! comes up in conversations with friends and associates. Some of my adult friends get frustrated when the Teen Tournament comes on because it is somehow beneath their superior intellectual abilities. #SoOverSmartTeens Others make sure to point out their genius when they successfully answer the final clue. #SupaSmart So many people still watch this show after over four decades and thousands of new fans join the viewing ranks yearly. I watch it nearly every night. Mostly I just can't get enough of Alex Trebec. I want his job. #NotJoking

The Teen Tournament has become one of my favorite weeks of the year. I love to see our incredible youth in action! If I know the answer (in the form of a question) but the teens don't, great. If they know the answer but I don't, even better! It revives me and reminds me that there are wonderful things happening in education. It makes me want to be a smarter, better person. Kids across the country coming together for this quiz show or the Scripps Spelling Bee or even that silly "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader" show makes me smile because it's not really about money to them - it's about striving for excellence in education and proving that they have studied, studied, studied.

Sometimes we all need a 10-year old to bail us out...or need to stop and learn a new fact from a teen...or at least need to be reminded that the younger generation is super smart and capable of amazing things.

Larry the Cable Guy on "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader"

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