4 reasons why school leaders want to use video in teacher observations

My first post with SmartBrief Education certainly caught a lot of attention and had people talking about the use of video in evaluation systems – and for good reason. 

We shared that 91% of teachers polled thought that classroom video would help them improve their instructional practices, and, even more notable, 77% said they’d be willing to film their classrooms for use in observations and evaluations

But this week, we decided to capture the perspective of school leaders and find out what they had to say about using classroom video to support teachers.  

video in teacher observation

I think the results are really interesting, but they don’t surprise me.

Strapped for time and resources, we know many school leaders struggle to keep up with increasing demands and new instructional transitions. And it’s simply unrealistic to think that one person has the content knowledge to provide teachers with relevant feedback across all disciplines. 

But video can change that. Read my second post in the series with SmartBrief to see the four key ways video can help school leaders provide the meaningful, actionable feedback teachers need in order to grow.

See the 4 ways »


Dr. Michael Moody is the Founder and CEO of Insight Education Group. His experiences as a classroom teacher, school and district administrator and consultant have given him a unique perspective on both the challenges and opportunities in education today. Contributing regularly to the blog, Michael is always excited to start or join a conversation about helping educators grow. 

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